
Stories curated by our editors!

The Lost Treasure

Curated by D1170F93-D84B-40C1-A049-DCFF979FED97

Once upon a time, there were four friends named Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben. They were all in the 0th grade...

The Enchanted Forest

Curated by 3FC88663-B29B-4E7C-8E6E-D3F044C0510C


The Gigantic Bubble

Curated by A5453FAD-5B44-4127-A37F-BF76DA26D7BA

Once upon a time, there was a child named Timmy who loved to blow bubbles. He would spend hours...

The Brave Knight

Curated by CEA09B39-FE06-4BFE-8C8F-ABED299AF919

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a brave knight named Arthur. He was only 12 years...

The Enchanted Forest

Curated by CA5C3DB8-F65E-468F-BA60-2EA9E481C2DC

Once upon a time, there were two siblings named Lily and Max. They were both in 0 grade and loved to...

The Lost Treasure

Curated by CA5C3DB8-F65E-468F-BA60-2EA9E481C2DC

Once upon a time, there were four friends named Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben. They were all in the 0th grade...

Dino Dance Party

Curated by D6199645-7673-4D02-8A9C-DFA48428CF38

Once upon a time, there were some dinosaurs who lived in the jungle. They were big and strong and loved...


Curated by D6199645-7673-4D02-8A9C-DFA48428CF38

从前,在恐龙王国里,有一位小恐龙王子。他的名字叫小雷,是恐龙王国的王子。小雷非常聪明,但是他最大的梦想是找到他失踪的父亲。有一天,小雷决定踏上寻找父亲的冒险之旅。 小雷穿上了他最漂亮的盔甲,背上了他最锋利的剑,准备出发了。他的母亲告诉他,父亲可能在恐龙王国的最深处,那里有很多危险,但是小雷并不害怕。 ...


Curated by D6199645-7673-4D02-8A9C-DFA48428CF38

在恐龙王国的边缘,住着一位年轻的恐龙王子,他的名字叫小雷。小雷的父亲是恐龙王国的国王,他有着一头漂亮的绿色鳞片和一双锋利的爪子。小雷非常崇拜他的父亲,因为他是一个勇敢而又强大的国王。 ...


Curated by D6199645-7673-4D02-8A9C-DFA48428CF38

在一个美丽的森林里,有一只小恐龙。他的名字叫小杰,是一只非常可爱的恐龙。小杰的爸爸是一只非常强壮的恐龙,他总是保护小杰和他的家人。但是有一天,小杰迷路了。他不小心走进了一个陌生的地方,找不到回家的路。 ...


Curated by D6199645-7673-4D02-8A9C-DFA48428CF38



Curated by D6199645-7673-4D02-8A9C-DFA48428CF38

在一个遥远的地方,有一群恐龙家族。他们生活在一个美丽的森林里,每天都过着快乐的生活。但是有一天,一场大风突然袭击了森林,把恐龙家族吹散到了不同的地方。有的恐龙被吹到了沙漠,有的被吹到了山顶,有的甚至被吹到了海里。 ...

The Robot Uprising

Curated by 6A644A75-E687-45BC-9628-8A8D22372E7B

Once upon a time, there was a very smart roboticist named Dr. Smith. He was a genius at creating robots...

The Champions' Reunion

Curated by 6A644A75-E687-45BC-9628-8A8D22372E7B

Once upon a time, there was a brave hero named Link. He lived in the kingdom of Hyrule, where he had...

The Shrine of Trials

Curated by 6A644A75-E687-45BC-9628-8A8D22372E7B

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Link who lived in a small village. Link was a curious...