The Gigantic Bubble

Written by 4F18A847-0234-438C-A29B-ED253407DD05

The Gigantic Bubble

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Timmy who loved to blow bubbles. He was in kindergarten and had just learned how to blow bubbles with his bubble wand. Timmy was so excited to show his new skill to his friends at school. One day, Timmy brought his bubble wand to school and during recess, he started blowing bubbles. His friends were amazed at how big his bubbles were getting. Timmy was having so much fun, he kept blowing and blowing until one of his bubbles got so big, it flew away and landed on top of the school building. Timmy and his friends were in awe as they watched the bubble grow bigger and bigger. It was so big that it started to engulf the whole school. The teachers and students were all trapped inside the bubble! Timmy didn't know what to do, but he remembered that bubbles always pop when they touch something sharp. Timmy quickly ran to the playground and grabbed a stick. He carefully poked the bubble and it popped, releasing everyone inside. The students and teachers were all covered in bubble solution, but they couldn't stop laughing at how silly they looked. But the bubble didn't stop there. It kept growing and growing until it engulfed the whole town! People were running around, trying to escape the giant bubble. Timmy knew he had to do something to stop it. He remembered that bubbles also pop when they get too big, so he started blowing smaller bubbles towards the giant one. The smaller bubbles started popping on the surface of the giant bubble, causing it to shrink. Timmy kept blowing smaller bubbles until the giant bubble was small enough for everyone to pop it with their fingers. The town was saved and everyone was so grateful to Timmy for his quick thinking. From that day on, Timmy was known as the Bubble Master and his friends always asked him to blow bubbles for them. Timmy was happy to share his bubble blowing skills and they all lived happily ever after. The end.