The Princess and the Magic Mirror

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The Princess and the Magic Mirror

Once upon a time, there was a princess named Lily. She lived in a beautiful castle with her parents, the king and queen. Lily was a kind and caring princess, loved by all in the kingdom. One day, while exploring the castle, Lily stumbled upon a hidden room. Inside, she found a magical mirror. The mirror spoke to her, saying, "I am a magic mirror and I can grant you three wishes, but you must use them wisely." Lily was overjoyed and immediately made her first wish. "I wish for a never-ending supply of candy!" she exclaimed. The mirror granted her wish and suddenly, the room was filled with all kinds of delicious candies. For her second wish, Lily wished for a beautiful dress to wear to the royal ball. The mirror granted her wish and she was amazed by the stunning dress that appeared before her. But before she could make her final wish, the mirror warned her, "Remember, you only have one wish left. Choose wisely." Lily thought long and hard about her final wish. She didn't want to waste it on something frivolous. Finally, she made her decision. "I wish for everyone in the kingdom to be happy and healthy," she said with a smile. The mirror granted her wish and the kingdom was filled with joy and good health. Lily learned that sometimes, the most important wishes are the ones that benefit others. From that day on, she used her newfound wisdom to make the kingdom a better place for all. And she lived happily ever after. The end.