The Friendly Ghost

Written by DFFCB5A9-C82A-4FE9-BBA0-9BA602484D71

The Friendly Ghost

Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a friendly ghost named Casper. Casper was a lonely ghost who lived in an old, abandoned mansion on the outskirts of town. He had been living there for many years, but no one ever noticed him because he was invisible. One day, a family moved into the town and into the mansion. The family consisted of a mother, father, and their two children, Lily and Max. They were a happy family, but they were going through a tough time. Lily and Max's parents had lost their jobs and they were struggling to make ends meet. Casper, being the kind and caring ghost that he was, noticed the family's troubles and decided to help them. He would do small things like turn on the lights when they were out, or open the door for them when their hands were full. The family didn't know it was Casper, but they were grateful for the help. One night, Lily and Max were playing in the attic when they saw a faint figure in the corner. They were scared at first, but then they realized it was Casper. Casper was surprised that they could see him, but he was happy to finally have someone to talk to. Lily and Max were fascinated by Casper and they quickly became friends. They would play games and tell stories together. Casper was no longer lonely, and the family was no longer sad. They had each other. As time went on, the family's luck started to turn around. Lily and Max's parents found new jobs and they were able to provide for their family again. They were also able to fix up the old mansion and make it their new home. Casper was sad to see his new friends leave, but he was happy that they were no longer in need of his help. The family promised to visit him often and they kept their promise. Casper was no longer a lonely ghost, he was now a part of a loving family. From that day on, Casper was known as the friendly ghost who helped a family in need. He was no longer invisible, he was seen and loved by all. And he lived happily ever after. The end.