The Brave Little Woodcutter

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The Brave Little Woodcutter

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a young woodcutter named Jack. Jack was a brave and hardworking boy who lived with his parents in a small village at the edge of the forest. Every day, Jack would go into the forest to chop wood and help his family earn a living. One day, while Jack was exploring the forest, he stumbled upon a hidden cave. Curiosity got the best of him and he decided to venture inside. As he entered the cave, he was amazed to find it filled with glittering treasures. But his joy was short-lived when he saw a fierce dragon guarding the treasures. Jack's heart raced with fear, but he knew he had to be brave. He remembered the stories his father had told him about dragons and how they could be outsmarted. With a deep breath, Jack stepped forward and greeted the dragon. The dragon, surprised by Jack's courage, asked him why he had come. Jack explained that he was just exploring the forest and stumbled upon the cave. The dragon, impressed by Jack's honesty, decided to test his wit. He challenged Jack to answer three riddles, and if he succeeded, he could take as much treasure as he could carry. Jack, who was known for his cleverness, accepted the challenge. The dragon asked his first riddle, "I am always hungry, I must always be fed, the finger I touch, will soon turn red. What am I?" Jack thought for a moment and answered, "Fire." The dragon was impressed and asked his second riddle, "I am full of holes, but I can hold water. What am I?" Jack quickly replied, "A sponge." The dragon was amazed and asked his final riddle, "I am light as a feather, but even the strongest man cannot hold me for long. What am I?" Jack confidently answered, "Breath." The dragon was defeated and true to his word, he allowed Jack to take as much treasure as he could carry. Jack returned to his village as a hero, and his family was overjoyed to see him return with such riches. From that day on, Jack was known as the bravest woodcutter in the land, and his wit and courage were admired by all. And so, the brave little woodcutter lived happily ever after, with his family and the treasures he had earned. He never forgot the lessons he learned from the dragon and continued