The Flying Dragon

Written by 88AB7824-11AF-4CBD-A507-2A738A5D573E

The Flying Dragon

Once upon a time, there was a little dragon named Drake. Drake was born without wings, which made him very sad. All the other dragons could fly, but Drake could only watch from the ground. One day, Drake met a kind wizard named Wally. Wally saw how sad Drake was and asked him what was wrong. Drake told Wally about his dream of flying and how he felt like he would never be able to do it. Wally smiled and said, "Don't worry, little one. I have just the thing for you." Wally took Drake to his magical workshop and showed him a special potion that would give him the ability to fly. Drake was overjoyed and drank the potion right away. Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation in his body. His back started to tingle and before he knew it, a pair of beautiful wings sprouted from his back. Drake couldn't believe it! He flapped his wings and took off into the sky. He flew higher and higher, feeling the wind in his face and the sun on his scales. Wally watched with pride as Drake soared through the clouds. From that day on, Drake was known as the flying dragon. He would fly all over the kingdom, showing off his amazing new skill. And he never forgot to thank Wally for his kindness and for helping him achieve his dream. Drake learned that sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of magic and a lot of determination to make your dreams come true. And he was grateful to have a friend like Wally who believed in him and helped him along the way. The end.