The Princess and the Dragon

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The Princess and the Dragon

Once upon a time, there was a princess named Lily. She lived in a beautiful kingdom with her parents, the king and queen. Lily was a very brave princess and she loved to go on adventures. One day, a fearsome dragon came to the kingdom and started causing trouble. The dragon was breathing fire and destroying everything in its path. The king and queen were very worried and didn't know what to do. Lily knew that she had to do something to save her kingdom. She decided to go and confront the dragon. Her parents were scared for her, but they knew that Lily was very brave and determined. Lily went to the dragon's lair and found the dragon sleeping. She tiptoed quietly and took out her sword. She was about to strike the dragon when she noticed that the dragon was crying. "Why are you crying?" asked Lily. The dragon looked at her with sad eyes and said, "I am not a fearsome dragon. I am just a lonely dragon who has no friends." Lily felt sorry for the dragon and realized that she didn't have to fight it. She put down her sword and started talking to the dragon. They became friends and the dragon promised to never cause trouble again. Lily went back to the kingdom and told her parents what had happened. They were amazed and proud of their brave princess. The kingdom was saved and everyone lived happily ever after. From that day on, Lily and the dragon became the best of friends. They would go on adventures together and the dragon would always protect the kingdom from any danger. Lily learned that sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is to show kindness and understanding. And that's exactly what she did. The end.