The New Student

Written by BF325AA9-3AC2-4D9F-AE96-8D04FCD81B82

The New Student

It was the first day of school and everyone was excited to see who the new student would be. The students were all whispering and wondering who it could be. Suddenly, the door opened and in walked a shy, timid girl. She had long brown hair and big brown eyes. Her name was Lily and she was the new student. Lily was nervous as she walked into the classroom. She didn't know anyone and she was afraid that she wouldn't fit in. She took a deep breath and walked over to the teacher's desk to introduce herself. The teacher welcomed her and asked her to take a seat next to a girl named Sarah. Sarah was friendly and introduced herself to Lily. She could see that Lily was nervous and she wanted to make her feel welcome. She asked Lily if she wanted to sit with her and her friends at lunch. Lily was relieved and grateful for Sarah's kindness. Throughout the day, Sarah introduced Lily to her friends and showed her around the school. Lily was starting to feel more comfortable and she was happy to have made a friend on her first day. During lunch, Sarah's friends were all very welcoming and they all chatted and laughed together. As the day went on, Lily realized that she didn't have to try so hard to fit in. She just needed to be herself and people would accept her. She was grateful for Sarah's kindness and for helping her feel like she belonged. From that day on, Lily and Sarah became great friends. Lily had found her place in the school and she was no longer the new student, she was just another student. She learned that sometimes it takes a little bit of courage to fit in, but in the end, it's worth it.