The Great Wall of China

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The Great Wall of China

Once upon a time, there was a great wall in China. It was called The Great Wall of China. This wall was very long and very old. It was built over 2,000 years ago! Can you imagine that? That's a really long time ago. The Great Wall of China was built to protect the people of China from invaders. It was made of stone, brick, and wood. It was very tall and very strong. It was so long that it stretched for over 13,000 miles! That's like going around the whole world two times! Many people worked very hard to build this wall. They used their hands and simple tools to carry and place each brick and stone. It took many years to finish the wall, but it was worth it. The Great Wall of China is now one of the most famous and iconic monuments in the world. Today, people from all over the world come to visit The Great Wall of China. They walk along the wall and take pictures. Some even climb up the stairs to the top of the wall! It's a very special place that holds a lot of history and stories. So next time you see a picture of The Great Wall of China, remember the hard work and dedication that went into building it. It truly is a wonder of the world. The end.