The Flying Dragon

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a young dragon named Drake. Drake was unlike any other dragon in his kingdom, for he was born without wings. While all the other dragons soared through the sky, Drake could only watch from the ground below.

But Drake was determined to fly. He spent hours every day trying to flap his small arms and jump off cliffs, but nothing seemed to work. His parents and siblings would often laugh at his attempts, but Drake refused to give up.

One day, while wandering through the forest, Drake stumbled upon a kind-hearted wizard named Merlin. Merlin took pity on the young dragon and offered to help him achieve his dream of flying. He told Drake about a magical solution that could give him wings.

Excited and hopeful, Drake eagerly followed Merlin on a journey to find this magical solution. They traveled through treacherous mountains, crossed raging rivers, and braved dark forests. Along the way, they encountered many challenges, but Drake never lost sight of his goal.

Finally, after many days of traveling, they reached a hidden cave where the magical solution was said to be found. Inside the cave, they found a sparkling potion that would give Drake the ability to fly. With Merlin's help, Drake drank the potion and felt a surge of energy coursing through his body.

And just like that, Drake's small arms transformed into magnificent wings. He flapped them with joy and took off into the sky, soaring higher and higher. The other dragons in the kingdom couldn't believe their eyes as they watched Drake fly gracefully through the clouds.

From that day on, Drake was known as the flying dragon. He was no longer an outcast, but a hero who had achieved the impossible. And he never forgot the kind wizard who had helped him achieve his dream. Drake and Merlin became the best of friends, and they continued to go on many more adventures together.

And so, dear reader, remember that no dream is too big or too impossible to achieve. With determination and the help of a kind heart, anything is possible. Just like Drake, you too can spread your wings and fly.


What was the name of the wizard who helped Drake achieve his dream of flying?
What was unique about Drake compared to other dragons?
What lesson does the story of Drake teach us?
What was Drake's biggest challenge?