The Mystery of the Lost Bone

The four dogs were now famous in the neighborhood for their detective skills. They were approached by many animals who needed their help in solving mysteries. One day, a little kitten named Mittens came to them with a problem.

"My favorite toy mouse is missing!" Mittens cried. "I left it on the windowsill last night and now it's gone."

Max, Bella, Buddy, and Daisy immediately sprang into action. They asked Mittens to describe the toy mouse and where she last saw it. Mittens described it as a small, fluffy, and pink mouse that she had received as a gift from her owner.

The four dogs searched the windowsill and the surrounding area, but they couldn't find the toy mouse. Just when they were about to give up, Buddy noticed something peculiar. He saw a tiny hole in the window screen that looked like it had been chewed through.

The four dogs followed the trail of tiny paw prints and found themselves in front of a tree. They looked up and saw a mischievous squirrel holding the toy mouse in its mouth.

"Hey, that's Mittens' toy mouse!" Bella barked.

The squirrel quickly dropped the toy mouse and ran away. The four dogs retrieved the toy mouse and returned it to Mittens, who was overjoyed.

"Thank you so much, Max, Bella, Buddy, and Daisy!" Mittens purred. "You truly are the best detectives in the neighborhood."

The four dogs were happy to have helped Mittens and were proud of themselves for solving another mystery. From that day on, they were known as the neighborhood's most trusted detectives, always ready to solve any mystery that came their way.

The end.


What color was Mittens' favorite toy mouse?
What did Mittens describe her missing toy mouse as?
What color was Mittens' toy mouse?
What were the four dogs known for in the neighborhood?