The Mystery of the Lost Bone

Once upon a time, there were four dogs named Max, Bella, Buddy, and Daisy. They lived in a small neighborhood where everyone knew each other. One day, Max's owner, Mrs. Smith, came running out of her house, crying and shouting, "My precious bone is missing! I can't find it anywhere!"

Max and his friends were curious and wanted to help. They asked Mrs. Smith what the bone looked like and where she last saw it. Mrs. Smith described the bone as a big, shiny, and valuable bone that she had found on her walk in the park. She had left it on the porch to clean it, but when she came back, it was gone.

The four dogs put their heads together and came up with a plan. They decided to search the neighborhood and ask other dogs if they had seen the bone. They went to every house and asked every dog, but no one had seen the bone.

Just when they were about to give up, Bella noticed something strange. She saw a trail of muddy paw prints leading to a nearby tree. The four dogs followed the prints and found the missing bone hidden under some leaves.

They were so excited to have solved the mystery and returned the bone to Mrs. Smith. She was overjoyed and thanked the four dogs for their hard work and determination. From that day on, Max, Bella, Buddy, and Daisy were known as the neighborhood's best detectives.

The end.


What was the missing bone hidden under?
How many dogs are mentioned in the passage?
What was the missing bone described as?
What did Bella notice that helped the four dogs find the missing bone?