The Park Picnic Disaster

Once upon a time, there was a family who decided to have a picnic in the park. They packed a delicious lunch and set off to find the perfect spot. The sun was shining and the birds were singing, it was the perfect day for a picnic.

As they were setting up their picnic blanket, they noticed a group of squirrels watching them from a nearby tree. The squirrels looked mischievous and the family couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. But they brushed it off and continued with their picnic.

Just as they were about to take a bite of their sandwiches, the squirrels suddenly appeared and snatched their food! The family was shocked and didn't know what to do. They tried to chase the squirrels away, but they were too quick.

The family quickly realized that they needed a plan to outsmart the squirrels. They remembered that squirrels love nuts, so they decided to use that to their advantage. They gathered some nuts and placed them in a separate area, hoping to distract the squirrels.

While the squirrels were busy with the nuts, the family quickly grabbed their food and ran to a different spot. They were relieved that they were able to save their lunch, but they knew they had to be careful.

The squirrels were not giving up that easily. They continued to follow the family and tried to steal their food again. But the family was prepared this time. They had brought a special squirrel-proof container to keep their food safe.

Finally, the family was able to enjoy their picnic in peace. They laughed and joked about the crazy squirrel adventure they had just experienced. And from that day on, they always made sure to bring their special container whenever they went on a picnic in the park.

The end.


What did the family decide to do in the park?
What type of container did the family bring to keep their food safe from the squirrels?
What did the family use to outsmart the squirrels?
What did the family bring to keep their food safe from the squirrels?