The Princess and the Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time, there was a princess named Lily. She lived in a grand castle with her parents, the king and queen. Lily was a very curious princess and loved to explore new places.

One day, while wandering around the castle, Lily stumbled upon a secret door. She couldn't resist her curiosity and opened the door. To her surprise, it led to an enchanted forest.

Lily was amazed by the beauty of the forest. The trees were tall and lush, and the flowers were vibrant and colorful. She couldn't help but venture further into the forest.

As she walked deeper into the forest, Lily noticed that the animals were different from the ones she had seen in the castle. There were talking rabbits, singing birds, and even a friendly dragon.

Lily was having the time of her life, but she soon realized that she was lost. She didn't know how to get back to the castle. Just as she was about to panic, she heard a soft voice calling her name.

She followed the voice and came across a wise old owl. The owl told her that the forest was enchanted and that she needed to solve a riddle to find her way back home.

Lily was determined to solve the riddle and get back to the castle. She listened carefully to the owl's riddle and thought hard. After a few minutes, she finally figured out the answer.

The owl was impressed by Lily's intelligence and led her back to the secret door. Lily thanked the owl and ran back to the castle, excited to tell her parents about her adventure.

From that day on, Lily visited the enchanted forest often. She had made new friends and learned many valuable lessons. And every time she entered the forest, she made sure to bring a book of riddles, just in case she got lost again. The end.


What type of animal did Lily meet in the enchanted forest?
What did Lily bring with her to the enchanted forest after her first visit?
What did Lily bring to the enchanted forest just in case she got lost again?
What was Princess Lily known for in the passage?