The Enchanted Forest

As Lily and Max returned home, they couldn't stop talking about their incredible adventure in the enchanted forest. Their parents were amazed by their bravery and quick thinking, and they couldn't wait to hear more about their journey.

The next day, Lily and Max were back in school, but their minds were still filled with thoughts of the enchanted forest. During recess, they decided to share their story with their classmates. As they gathered around, Lily and Max began to tell their tale, with each of them taking turns to describe their favorite parts.

Their classmates were in awe and couldn't believe that Lily and Max had actually been to a magical forest. They bombarded them with questions, wanting to know more about the talking owl, the friendly dragon, and the challenges they faced.

Lily and Max were happy to answer their questions and even showed them the three colored stones they had received from the dragon as a souvenir. Their classmates were amazed and couldn't wait to go on their own adventure in the enchanted forest.

But as the school bell rang, signaling the end of recess, Lily and Max's teacher, Mrs. Jenkins, called them back to class. She had overheard their story and was intrigued. She asked them to stay after class and tell her more about their adventure.

Lily and Max were excited to share their story with their teacher and couldn't wait to see her reaction. As they sat down with Mrs. Jenkins, they told her everything from the beginning, starting with the mysterious portal hidden behind the bush in their backyard.

Mrs. Jenkins listened intently and was amazed by their story. She was so impressed by their creativity and imagination that she decided to make the enchanted forest the theme for their next class project. Lily and Max were thrilled and couldn't wait to work on it.

Together with their classmates, they created a magical forest in their classroom, complete with talking animals, hidden treasures, and challenging riddles. They even wrote their own stories about their adventures in the enchanted forest.

As they presented their project to the class, Lily and Max couldn't help but feel proud of what they had accomplished. They had not only gone on an incredible adventure, but they had also inspired their classmates and teacher to use their imagination and creativity.

From that day on, the enchanted forest became a special place for Lily and Max, where they could always go on new adventures and make new memories. And they knew that they would always have each other to rely on, no matter what challenges


What did Lily and Max receive from the dragon as a souvenir?
What were Lily and Max talking about as they returned home?
What did the dragon give Lily and Max as a souvenir?
What was the theme for Lily and Max's next class project?