The Lost Treasure

Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a group of friends named Jack, Lily, and Max. They were all in the sixth grade and loved going on adventures together. One day, while exploring the woods, they stumbled upon an old map that led to a mysterious island.

Excited by the discovery, the friends decided to embark on a thrilling adventure to find the lost treasure that was rumored to be hidden on the island. They packed their bags with supplies and set off on their journey.

As they sailed towards the island, the friends encountered rough waters and strong winds. But they didn't give up and continued on their quest. Finally, they reached the island and began their search for the treasure.

The island was filled with dense forests, deep caves, and treacherous cliffs. The friends had to be careful as they navigated through the dangerous terrain. They used their map to guide them and followed the clues that led them deeper into the island.

After hours of searching, they finally reached a hidden cave. Inside, they found a chest filled with gold coins and precious jewels. They had found the lost treasure!

Overjoyed by their discovery, the friends celebrated and decided to split the treasure equally among themselves. They then made their way back home, with the treasure in tow.

The news of their adventure and discovery spread quickly throughout the town. Everyone was amazed by their bravery and determination. The friends became local heroes and their friendship grew even stronger.

From that day on, the friends continued to go on many more adventures, but the memory of their thrilling journey to find the lost treasure remained their favorite. And they lived happily ever after. The end.


What did the friends find inside the hidden cave?
How many friends set off on the adventure?
What did the friends find inside the hidden cave?
What is the name of one of the friends in the group?