The Monster's Mystery

Once upon a time, there were four friends named Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben. They were all in the 0th grade and loved to explore their neighborhood. One day, while they were playing hide-and-seek, they stumbled upon a mysterious creature hiding in the bushes.

The creature was big and furry with sharp claws and glowing red eyes. The friends were scared at first, but then they noticed that the creature was actually quite friendly. It even had a big smile on its face!

Lily, being the bravest of the group, approached the creature and asked, "Who are you?"

The creature replied in a deep, rumbling voice, "I am a monster. But don't be afraid, I mean you no harm."

The friends were amazed. They had never seen a real monster before. They asked the monster where it came from and why it was hiding in their neighborhood.

The monster explained that it had been living in the neighborhood for a long time, but it had always stayed hidden because it was afraid of being judged and mistreated by humans. The friends felt sorry for the monster and wanted to help it.

They decided to go on a mission to uncover the mystery of the monster's origin and protect it from harm. They searched through books and asked their parents for help. Finally, they discovered that the monster was actually a friendly creature from a faraway land who had accidentally ended up in their neighborhood.

The friends were determined to keep the monster safe and make sure it felt welcome in their neighborhood. They built a cozy home for the monster and even threw a welcome party for it. The monster was overjoyed and thanked the friends for their kindness.

From that day on, the monster was no longer a mystery to the neighborhood. It became a beloved member of the community, thanks to the brave and kind actions of Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben. And the friends learned that sometimes, the scariest looking creatures can turn out to be the most friendly and lovable ones. The end.


Who was the bravest of the group?
How many friends are mentioned in the passage?
What is the name of the bravest friend in the group?
What did Lily ask the monster?