The Secret Portal

Once upon a time, there were four friends named Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben. They were all in second grade and loved to go on adventures together. One day, while exploring the woods behind their school, they stumbled upon a hidden portal.

The portal was hidden behind a large tree and was covered in vines. Lily noticed a strange symbol on the portal and pointed it out to her friends. Max, who was the bravest of the group, suggested they go through the portal and see where it leads.

Without hesitation, the group stepped through the portal and found themselves in a whole new world. The sky was a bright shade of purple and the trees were a vibrant shade of blue. Ava gasped in amazement and Ben couldn't believe his eyes.

As they walked through the new world, they encountered strange creatures they had never seen before. There were giant talking mushrooms, flying unicorns, and even a friendly dragon. The friends were amazed by all the new sights and sounds.

But as they continued on their journey, they realized that this new world was not as friendly as they thought. They came across a group of creatures that were not happy to see them. These creatures were called the Grumpkins and they were not very nice.

The Grumpkins were small, green creatures with sharp teeth and long claws. They didn't like visitors in their world and they were determined to get rid of the friends. Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben knew they had to come up with a plan to outsmart the Grumpkins.

Using their quick thinking and teamwork, the friends were able to outsmart the Grumpkins and make it back to the portal. They quickly ran through and found themselves back in the woods behind their school. They were all out of breath but couldn't stop smiling.

The friends promised to keep the portal a secret and only use it for special adventures. They couldn't wait to see where their next journey would take them. From that day on, they were known as the brave adventurers who discovered the secret portal. The end.


What color were the trees in the new world?
What were the names of the four friends?
What color was the sky in the new world?
What were the creatures called that the friends encountered in the new world?