The Dragon's Apprentice

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a young girl named Lily. She was a curious and adventurous 6th grader who loved exploring the woods near her home. One day, while wandering through the forest, she stumbled upon a hidden cave.

Being the brave girl that she was, Lily cautiously entered the cave and was amazed to find a magnificent dragon inside. The dragon was unlike any she had ever seen before - it was small and had shimmering scales that changed colors in the light.

The dragon introduced itself as Ember and explained that it was the last of its kind. All the other dragons had been driven away or captured by humans who feared and hunted them. Lily felt sorry for Ember and wanted to help in any way she could.

Ember saw the kindness in Lily's heart and asked her to become its apprentice. Lily eagerly accepted and together, they set off on a magical journey to save the dragons from extinction.

Ember taught Lily everything about being a dragon - how to fly, breathe fire, and use magic. Lily was a quick learner and soon became a skilled dragon apprentice.

Their first mission was to rescue a group of dragons that were being held captive by a group of evil hunters. With Ember's guidance, Lily used her newfound skills to defeat the hunters and free the dragons.

As they continued on their journey, Lily and Ember encountered many challenges and obstacles, but they always worked together to overcome them. They also made many new friends along the way, including other dragons who joined their cause.

Finally, after many adventures, Lily and Ember were able to save all the dragons and bring them to a safe haven where they could live in peace. Lily had become a true dragon master and Ember was proud to have her as its apprentice.

From that day on, Lily and Ember were inseparable. They continued to explore the magical world together, spreading kindness and protecting all creatures, big and small. And the dragons lived happily ever after, thanks to the bravery and compassion of a young 6th grade girl named Lily, the dragon's apprentice. The end.


What was the name of the dragon that Lily met in the hidden cave?
What was the name of the dragon Lily encountered in the hidden cave?
What did Lily become at the end of the story?
What grade is Lily in?