The Secret Code

Once upon a time, in a small town, there were four friends named Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben. They were all in the fourth grade and loved to explore and solve mysteries together.

One day, while they were playing in the attic of Lily's house, they stumbled upon an old book. The book was dusty and had a strange symbol on the cover. Curious, the friends opened the book and found a secret code written inside.

"Wow, this is so cool!" exclaimed Max.

"I wonder what it means," said Ava.

"I bet it's a secret message," said Ben.

Lily, being the smartest of the group, suggested that they try to decode the message. They spent hours trying different combinations and finally, they cracked the code.

"It says, 'Follow the path to the old oak tree'," read Lily.

Without hesitation, the friends set off on their adventure. They followed the path through the woods and eventually reached the old oak tree. There, they found another clue that led them to the abandoned house on the outskirts of town.

Inside the house, they found a hidden room filled with ancient artifacts and another code. This time, it was much more difficult to crack, but with teamwork and determination, they were able to solve it.

The code led them to a map that showed the location of a buried treasure. Excited, the friends followed the map and dug up a chest filled with gold coins and jewels.

"We did it!" cheered Ava.

"We make a great team," said Max.

The friends split the treasure evenly and decided to use it to help those in need in their town. From that day on, they were known as the brave and clever group who solved the mystery of the secret code.

The end.


How many friends are mentioned in the story?
What did the friends find inside the abandoned house?
What did the friends find in the hidden room?
What item did the friends find inside the hidden room in the abandoned house?