The Mysterious Map

Once upon a time, there were five friends named Lily, Max, Ava, Ethan, and Mia. They were all in the fifth grade and loved going on adventures together. One day, while exploring the woods near their school, they stumbled upon a mysterious map. It was old and tattered, with strange symbols and markings all over it.

Curious and excited, the friends decided to follow the map and see where it led them. They walked through the woods, over hills and through streams, until they finally reached a clearing. In the center of the clearing stood an old, abandoned house. The map seemed to be pointing towards it.

The friends cautiously approached the house, unsure of what they might find inside. As they entered, they were greeted by a musty smell and cobwebs covering the walls. But they didn't let that stop them from exploring. They followed the map's directions and searched every room in the house.

Finally, they came across a hidden door behind a bookshelf. With a loud creak, the door opened to reveal a secret room filled with treasure! Gold coins, jewels, and ancient artifacts lined the walls. The friends couldn't believe their eyes. They had stumbled upon a hidden treasure!

But as they were admiring their findings, they heard a noise coming from outside. It was the owner of the house, an old man who had been searching for his lost treasure for years. He had followed the friends and the map to the secret room.

At first, the friends were scared, but the old man explained that he was grateful to them for finding his treasure and promised to share it with them. He also told them the story of how the map had been passed down through his family for generations, and how he had been searching for it for so long.

The friends were amazed by the old man's story and were happy to have helped him find his treasure. They left the house with their pockets full of gold and their hearts full of adventure. From that day on, they were known as the brave explorers who had uncovered the mysterious map and its hidden secrets. And they couldn't wait to see where their next adventure would take them. The end.


What did the friends discover in the secret room?
What did the friends find behind a bookshelf in the old house?
How many friends are named in the story?
What grade are the friends in?