The Princess and the Unicorn

As the group of adventurers continued on their journey, they came across a dark and mysterious forest. The trees were twisted and gnarled, and the air was thick with an eerie silence.

Lily and Sparkle knew that this was no ordinary forest. They could sense a powerful magic at work, and they knew they had to be careful.

As they cautiously made their way through the forest, they came across a clearing where a beautiful castle stood. The castle was made of shimmering white marble and was surrounded by a moat filled with sparkling water.

But as they approached the castle, they were suddenly stopped by a fierce dragon. Its scales were as black as night and its eyes glowed with a menacing red light.

The dragon spoke in a deep, booming voice. "None shall pass through this forest without solving my riddle," it said.

Lily and Sparkle looked at each other, determined to solve the riddle and continue on their quest. They knew that their new friends were counting on them.

The dragon's riddle was this: "I am always hungry, I must always be fed. The finger I touch, will soon turn red. What am I?"

Lily and Sparkle thought hard, but they couldn't figure out the answer. Just when they were about to give up, one of their new friends stepped forward.

"I know the answer!" exclaimed the prince from the neighboring kingdom. "It's fire!"

The dragon roared in approval and stepped aside, allowing the group to pass through the forest and continue on their journey.

As they entered the castle, they were greeted by a beautiful princess who thanked them for solving the riddle and saving her kingdom from the dragon's curse.

The princess invited them to stay for a feast in their honor, and Lily and Sparkle were happy to accept. They had made new friends and had once again spread kindness and helped those in need.

But little did they know, their biggest adventure was yet to come.


What color were the dragon's scales?
What was the dragon's riddle about?
What did the prince from the neighboring kingdom answer to the dragon's riddle?
What adjective best describes the forest the group of adventurers encountered?