The Princess and the Dragon

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Lily. She lived in a grand castle in the kingdom of Evergreen. Lily was a kind and brave princess who loved to explore the kingdom and help her people.

One day, a terrible dragon appeared in the kingdom. The dragon was big and fierce, with sharp claws and a fiery breath. The people of Evergreen were scared and didn't know what to do. The king and queen called for a meeting to discuss how to defeat the dragon.

Lily knew she had to do something to save her kingdom. She bravely volunteered to confront the dragon. The king and queen were worried, but they knew Lily was a brave princess and they trusted her.

Lily put on her shining armor and rode her horse to the dragon's lair. When she arrived, the dragon roared and breathed fire at her. But Lily was not afraid. She pulled out her sword and bravely fought the dragon. The dragon was strong, but Lily was quick and clever. She dodged the dragon's attacks and struck back with her sword.

After a long and fierce battle, Lily finally defeated the dragon. The people of Evergreen cheered and thanked Lily for her bravery. The kingdom was safe once again.

The king and queen were so proud of Lily. They threw a big feast to celebrate her victory. Lily was happy to have saved her kingdom and she was glad to see her people happy again.

From that day on, Lily was known as the bravest princess in all the land. She continued to explore the kingdom and help her people, but she always remembered the day she defeated the fearsome dragon. And the kingdom of Evergreen lived happily ever after. The end.


What was the princess's name?
What was the name of the princess in the story?
What did Princess Lily wear to confront the dragon?
What did the people of Evergreen do to thank Lily for her bravery?