The Lost Treasure

Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben were amazed by the treasure they had found in the cave. As they were admiring the sparkling jewels and precious gems, they noticed a strange object hidden in the corner of the chest. It was a small, golden amulet with intricate designs etched into it.

Curiosity got the best of them and they decided to take the amulet with them. As they left the cave and made their way back to the boat, they couldn't help but feel a strange energy emanating from the amulet. It seemed to be calling out to them, almost as if it had a mind of its own.

Once they were back on the boat, they examined the amulet closely. Suddenly, a bright light shot out from the amulet and surrounded them. They were transported to a magical world filled with colorful creatures and enchanting landscapes.

Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben were in awe of the magical world they had stumbled upon. They explored the land and met friendly creatures who told them about the powerful amulet they had found. It was said to have the ability to grant wishes to whoever possessed it.

Excited by this discovery, the four friends decided to use the amulet to make their wildest dreams come true. Lily wished for a never-ending supply of books, Max wished for a flying carpet, Ava wished for a pet dragon, and Ben wished for a castle to call their own.

As they were enjoying their newfound powers, they suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the distance. It was the sound of a dragon roaring and it seemed to be getting closer. The friends quickly realized that their wishes had attracted the attention of a powerful dragon who was now heading towards them.

Panicked, they tried to use the amulet to wish the dragon away, but it didn't work. They soon realized that the amulet could only grant wishes within the magical world and they were now in danger.

Thinking quickly, Lily remembered a story she had read about a brave knight who had defeated a dragon by using a magical sword. Without hesitation, she wished for a magical sword and it appeared in her hand. With the help of her friends, Lily bravely fought the dragon and defeated it.

As the dragon disappeared, the friends were transported back to their own world. They were relieved to be back, but also sad to leave the magical world behind. They decided to keep the amulet as a reminder of their incredible adventure and promised to


What did Ben wish for?
What is the material of the amulet found in the cave?
What did the friends find in the corner of the chest in the cave?
What did Lily wish for using the amulet?