The Haunted House

Once upon a time, there was a family who moved into a big, old house. The house was very spooky and had a lot of creaky doors and dark, dusty rooms. The family was excited to explore their new home, but they didn't know that it was haunted by mischievous ghosts!

The first night in the house, the family heard strange noises coming from the attic. They were too scared to investigate, so they went to bed. But the next morning, they found their breakfast plates stacked in a funny way and their shoes tied together in knots! The family was confused and a little scared, but they couldn't help but laugh at the silly pranks.

As the days went by, the family encountered more and more ghostly mischief. Their clothes would disappear and reappear in strange places, their toys would move on their own, and their food would disappear from their plates! The family started to get used to the ghosts and even started to have fun with them.

One day, the family decided to explore the attic where the strange noises had come from. They found an old trunk filled with costumes and props. The family put on the costumes and pretended to be ghosts, scaring each other and having a great time. But then, they heard a loud noise and saw a real ghost! The ghost was not scary at all, but instead, it was a friendly ghost who just wanted to play.

The friendly ghost showed the family around the house and introduced them to all the other ghosts who lived there. They were all very friendly and just wanted to have fun. The family and the ghosts became great friends and had many adventures together.

From that day on, the family was never scared of the ghosts in their house. They knew that they were just playful and friendly, and they were happy to have them as their new friends. The spooky old house was no longer scary, but instead, it was a fun and exciting place to live. And the family lived happily ever after, with their new ghostly friends by their side. The end.


What did the mischievous ghosts do to the family's breakfast plates?
How did the family feel about the ghosts in the house?
What type of house did the family move into?
What did the family find in the attic that led to a fun discovery?