The Unicorn's Golden Horn

Once upon a time, there was a prince named William who lived in a beautiful kingdom. One day, a wicked witch cast a curse on the kingdom, causing all the flowers to wilt and the animals to fall into a deep sleep. The only way to break the curse was to find a unicorn's golden horn.

Prince William knew he had to act fast, so he set out on a journey to find the unicorn. He traveled through forests and over mountains, asking every creature he met if they had seen a unicorn. But no one had.

Finally, after many days of searching, Prince William came across a wise old owl. The owl told him that the unicorn lived in a magical forest, deep in the heart of the kingdom. The prince thanked the owl and continued on his journey.

As he entered the magical forest, Prince William was amazed by the beauty around him. The trees were tall and green, and the flowers were in full bloom. He followed a path that led him to a clearing, where he saw the most magnificent creature he had ever seen - a unicorn with a golden horn.

The unicorn greeted Prince William and asked why he had come. The prince explained the curse that had befallen his kingdom and begged for the unicorn's help. The unicorn agreed to help, but only if Prince William could complete a task.

The task was to find a rare flower that only grew in the magical forest. The prince searched high and low, and finally, he found the flower. He brought it back to the unicorn, who used its magical powers to turn the flower into a potion that would break the curse.

Prince William returned to his kingdom and gave the potion to the wicked witch. As soon as she drank it, the curse was lifted, and the kingdom was restored to its former beauty. The prince was hailed as a hero, and the unicorn's golden horn was kept safe in the castle as a reminder of the prince's bravery.

From that day on, the prince and the unicorn became great friends, and the kingdom lived happily ever after. And whenever Prince William needed help, he knew he could always count on his magical friend, the unicorn with the golden horn. The end.


What did the prince ask every creature he met during his journey?
What was the name of the prince in the story?
What color was the rare flower Prince William had to find in the magical forest?
What did the prince find in the magical forest to break the curse?