Saving the Unicorns

Once upon a time, there were a group of kids in second grade. They were very brave and smart. One day, they heard about a group of unicorns that were in danger. An evil poacher was trying to catch them and sell them to a circus. The kids knew they had to do something to save the unicorns.

The kids gathered together and made a plan. They decided to go on a mission to save the unicorns. They packed their backpacks with snacks and supplies and set off on their journey.

As they traveled through the forest, they encountered many obstacles. They had to cross a river, climb over a big fallen tree, and sneak past a sleeping bear. But the kids were determined to save the unicorns, so they didn't give up.

Finally, they reached the poacher's hideout. They saw the unicorns trapped in cages, waiting to be taken away. The kids knew they had to act fast. They used their cleverness to distract the poacher and free the unicorns.

The unicorns were so grateful to the kids for saving them. They used their magical powers to help the kids escape from the hideout. Together, they ran back to the safety of the forest.

The kids were hailed as heroes in their town. They had saved the unicorns and stopped the poacher from doing any more harm. From that day on, the unicorns and the kids became the best of friends. And they all lived happily ever after. The end.


What grade were the kids in?
What did the kids use to distract the poacher?
How did the unicorns help the kids escape?
What did the kids pack in their backpacks for the mission?