The Unicorn's Golden Horn

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a prince named Alexander. He was a brave and kind prince, loved by all his people. However, one day, a terrible curse fell upon the kingdom, causing all the crops to wither and die, and the people to fall ill.

The prince was determined to find a way to lift the curse and save his kingdom. He consulted with the wisest of wizards, who told him that the only way to break the curse was to find the golden horn of a unicorn.

Alexander had heard of unicorns, but he had never seen one. He knew that they were magical creatures, and their horns were said to have healing powers. With a heavy heart, he set out on a journey to find the elusive unicorn.

After days of searching, Alexander finally came across a beautiful unicorn in a clearing in the forest. The unicorn had a shimmering white coat and a golden horn that glinted in the sunlight. Alexander approached the unicorn cautiously, not wanting to startle it.

The unicorn seemed to sense the prince's pure heart and allowed him to come closer. Alexander explained his quest to the unicorn, and the creature nodded its head in understanding. It then lowered its head, and the prince gently plucked the golden horn from its forehead.

As soon as Alexander held the golden horn in his hands, he felt a surge of energy and hope. He rushed back to his kingdom and used the horn to break the curse. The crops grew back, and the people's illnesses were cured. The kingdom was saved, and the people rejoiced.

The prince was hailed as a hero, and he knew that he owed it all to the unicorn's golden horn. He returned the horn to the unicorn, thanking it for its help. From that day on, the prince and the unicorn became great friends, and the kingdom prospered under their friendship.

And so, the prince's bravery and kindness, along with the unicorn's golden horn, brought peace and happiness to the kingdom once again. The end.


Where did Prince Alexander live?
Who did the prince become friends with?
What did the prince use to break the curse?
What color was the unicorn's horn?