The Lost City

Once upon a time, there were four best friends named Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben. They loved going on adventures together and exploring new places. One day, they heard about a legendary lost city hidden deep in the Amazon rainforest. They were so excited and decided to go on a journey to find it.

The friends packed their bags with food, water, and supplies for the long journey ahead. They also brought a map that showed the way to the lost city. Lily, who was the smartest of the group, studied the map carefully and led the way.

As they traveled through the dense rainforest, they encountered many obstacles such as steep cliffs, wild animals, and thick vines. But they didn't give up and kept pushing forward. After days of walking, they finally reached the entrance of the lost city.

The city was unlike anything they had ever seen before. It was filled with tall buildings made of gold and precious jewels. The friends were amazed and couldn't believe their eyes. They explored the city and found many ancient artifacts and treasures.

But as they were about to leave, they heard a loud noise coming from one of the buildings. They cautiously went inside and found a group of people who had been living in the lost city for generations. The people welcomed them and told them the story of how their ancestors had built the city and then disappeared, leaving it behind.

The friends were sad to leave the lost city, but they were also happy to have found it and made new friends. They returned home with amazing stories to tell and memories that would last a lifetime. From that day on, they were known as the brave adventurers who discovered the lost city in the Amazon rainforest.


What did Lily bring on the journey?
What did the friends become known as after discovering the lost city?
Who were the four best friends?
What did the friends encounter while traveling through the rainforest?