The Monster's Mystery

It was a typical summer day in the small town of Willow Creek. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the neighborhood kids were out playing. Among them were four friends - Lily, Max, Ava, and Jack. They were known as the "adventure squad" because they were always looking for something exciting to do.

As they were riding their bikes around the neighborhood, they stumbled upon an old abandoned house. It was hidden behind a thick layer of trees and bushes, making it almost impossible to see from the street. The kids were immediately intrigued and decided to explore the house.

As they entered the house, they noticed something strange. The walls were covered in claw marks and there were large footprints on the floor. Lily, being the bravest of the group, suggested that they follow the footprints to see where they lead. The others hesitantly agreed and they followed the footprints to the basement.

In the basement, they found a large cage with a creature inside. It was a monster - with green scaly skin, sharp claws, and glowing red eyes. The kids were scared at first, but they soon realized that the monster was not dangerous. In fact, it seemed scared and lonely.

The kids knew they had to help the monster. They spent the whole day trying to communicate with it and eventually, they were able to understand each other. The monster told them that it had been living in the abandoned house for years, hiding from the people who were afraid of it.

The kids were determined to uncover the mystery behind the monster's existence and protect it from harm. They searched through old newspapers and talked to the town's oldest residents. Finally, they found out that the monster was actually a friendly creature from another planet who had crash-landed on Earth.

The kids were amazed by this discovery and they knew they had to keep the monster safe. They built a new home for it in the woods, far away from the prying eyes of the townspeople. The monster was grateful and promised to always be their friend.

From that day on, the kids and the monster became the best of friends. They would go on adventures together and the monster even helped them with their homework. The town of Willow Creek was no longer afraid of the monster, and the kids were hailed as heroes for uncovering the truth and protecting their new friend. The end.


The town of Willow Creek hailed the kids as ____________.
What were Lily, Max, Ava, and Jack known as?
What did the monster have on its skin?
What did the monster help the kids with?