Dragon Riders of the Sky

Once upon a time, in a city high up in the sky, there lived a group of brave individuals known as the Dragon Riders. They were not just any ordinary group, for they had formed a special bond with dragons. These dragons were not like the ones you see in storybooks, they were real and they could fly!

The Dragon Riders were the protectors of their city, always ready to defend it from any danger. They lived in harmony with their dragon companions, and together they were a force to be reckoned with.

One day, a dark cloud appeared on the horizon. It was an invading force, led by an evil sorcerer who wanted to take over the city and enslave its people. The Dragon Riders knew they had to act fast to protect their home.

They mounted their dragons and flew towards the enemy, ready for battle. The sky was filled with the sound of roaring dragons and the clash of swords. The Dragon Riders fought bravely, using their skills and the help of their dragon friends to defeat the invaders.

After a long and fierce battle, the Dragon Riders emerged victorious. The evil sorcerer was defeated and the city was safe once again. The people cheered and celebrated the bravery of their protectors.

From that day on, the Dragon Riders were known as the legendary defenders of the skyborne city. They continued to live in harmony with their dragons, always ready to defend their home from any danger that may come their way.

And so, the city remained peaceful and prosperous, thanks to the brave and noble Dragon Riders of the Sky.


What noise do dragons make?
What was the invading force led by?
Who were the Dragon Riders?
What are the Dragon Riders known as?