The Monster's Mystery

Once upon a time, there were four friends named Lily, Max, Ava, and Ben. They were all in the 0th grade and loved to explore their neighborhood. One day, while they were playing hide-and-seek, they stumbled upon a mysterious creature hiding in the bushes. It was big, green, and had sharp teeth. The friends were scared at first, but then they realized that the creature was just as scared as they were.

They decided to call it "Monster" and bring it back to their clubhouse. As they were walking, they noticed that Monster had a limp and was struggling to walk. They knew they had to help it. They asked their teacher, Mrs. Smith, for help. She told them that Monster was a rare species and needed special care. She also said that it was important to find out where Monster came from and why it was in their neighborhood.

The friends were determined to solve the mystery. They searched the library for books about rare creatures and asked their parents for help. They even made posters and put them up around the neighborhood, asking if anyone had seen Monster before. After days of searching, they finally found a clue. One of their neighbors, Mr. Jenkins, had seen Monster before. He told them that Monster had escaped from a nearby laboratory.

The friends were shocked and angry. They couldn't believe that someone would keep such a special creature locked up. They knew they had to do something to protect Monster. They came up with a plan to sneak into the laboratory and rescue Monster. With the help of their parents, they were able to get inside and find Monster. They also found out that Monster was actually a friendly creature who just wanted to be free.

The friends were overjoyed and decided to keep Monster in their clubhouse. They made sure to take care of it and keep it safe from harm. They also made a promise to always protect and stand up for creatures like Monster. From that day on, Monster became a part of their adventures and they all lived happily ever after. The end.


What did the friends name the mysterious creature they found?
What was the name of the neighbor who had seen Monster before?
What were the names of the four friends?
What did the friends decide to do with Monster?